5. One dream is enough! Assignment.

by | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

How easily are you distracted?

Dreams are fantastic, but how do you focus on just one dream? Choosing is one of the most difficult things in life. Choosing is letting go of all other options for the next period in life. You need to choose one and let go of the other to prevent distraction. You have enough distractions from things that are important and urgent daily.

Assignment: Developing Personal Leadership based on “One Dream is Enough”

Objective: To encourage MSc students in Industrial Engineering and Management to develop their personal leadership by identifying and prioritizing their dreams despite external influences.

Task 1:

  1. Make a list of your wildest, most fantastic, or dearest dreams, including those that your loved ones may have shot down.
  2. Give yourself permission to dream and free yourself from external influences.
  3. Look at successful people like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk for inspiration.

Task 2:

  1. Prioritize your list of dreams using the finger method described in the text.
  2. Identify the dream that stands out as the most important to you.

Task 3:

  1. Choose three words that best represent your chosen dream.
  2. Write down how you would explain this dream to your dearest friend.

Task 4:

  1. Download “Design Your Future” for additional guidance on setting priorities and achieving your dream.
  2. Implement the strategies in the book to further develop your personal leadership skills and pursue your dream.

You can find help in “Design Your Future.” Click here to download your copy.

Have fun, and make sure to read next week’s mail.


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